I currently find it very cumbersome to first click on Spaces at the top, then navigate with the arrows to the respective Space and then click again on its name. It would be easier to arrange the Spaces in the top bar lik (...)

Improvement 😍 Planned UI/UX
Add the "Name" field to the "Add Bookmark Form"

I like to display the names on my bookmark lists.  Right now it is SOOOO many steps to edit the "Name" field so it shows up properly (instead of the full URL). Current steps I take:

Improvement 😍 Backlog
Text hints

Add the ability to show a small number of letters underneath each icon as a hint as to what the link is. Eg. CAL, BUDGET, LOFI, ARTWORK, etc.

Improvement 😍 Backlog
Developing the browser extension

The browser extension is a little flat as a tool, and I think that the one provided by Raindrop is awesome. I have included a link to the look of that here when you click on it. (...)

Improvement 😍 Backlog
user groups

Would it be possible to have user groups in the software?  Then any user that is part of a group would have a collection shared to them when it is shared to the group.  Right now each user has to be added indiv (...)

Improvement 😍 Backlog
Enhance Tagging Functionality

Currently only 1 word as Tag can be added, needs to be confirmed and then another one can be added. Optimize it 1. allow several Tags (e.g. prepared copy paste text tags) to be added, and use a divider sign (e.g. colon), (...)

Improvement 😍 Backlog
Date and time tooltip

Currently, hovering the mouse over a comment shows the date and time it was posted. Let's only show the tooltip when the mouse hovers over the comment author's name.

Improvement 😍 Backlog Comments
Share Spaces with Team

I want to share everything under one workspace with the team. Currently, I need to go to each collection, add each team member. Extremely time consuming.

Improvement 😍 Backlog
Collections & Future Tab Colors

It would be a simple but good visual organizational tool to be able to change the font Color (background highlight) of Collections and/ or Tabs when they are added

Improvement 😍 Backlog
Collections (Folders) - Add Sub Collections-- to better organize content

It would be great to be able to have sub collections under a main collection.   So for example I have a collection that is Graphic and Video Tools -- I can have a sub collection for video editing and another categor (...)

Improvement 😍 Backlog
Collections (Folders) -Ability to Collapse

It would be great to be able to collapse collections (folders) to just see the names either all at once or individually....that way I can open the collection I need instead of having to scroll through top to bottom!

Improvement 😍 Backlog
Different icons for google apps

Currently google docs and google sheets have the same icon (the one for google docs). Can these be updated to be different? Otherwise it's hard to differentiate between the google doc and google sheet bookmarks. 

Improvement 😍 Backlog
browser origin tracking

I sometimes use different browsers as one or the other thing does not actually function for the page or it is a thing that relates to a particular browser or technology. It would be useful if when you saved something to (...)

Improvement 😍 Backlog
Parallel saving alongside browser and syncing

It would be helpful to have the option to have one click storing on browser and Minimarks service, so you would either click the browser's favourites button and it would automatically save to Minimarks too, or click the (...)

Improvement 😍 Backlog
Spanish Language

Show all the navigation and menus in Spanish

Improvement 😍 Backlog

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