I currently find it very cumbersome to first click on Spaces at the top, then navigate with the arrows to the respective Space and then click again on its name. It would be easier to arrange the Spaces in the top bar lik (...)
Please allow the ability to create sub-collections within other collections.
It would be handy to be able to load bookmarks from HTML or CSV file into the dashboard and quickly choose the ones we'd like to have displayed within Minimarks
Add spacers (dividers) to separate groups of bookmarks within an icon grid collection.
Allow users to add a short description for individual URLs, this is highly required! π
To create a new collection on a topic and group different aspects of the topic in an organized way within it
More colour themes avaliable in the appareance menu. Could start with a ¨green theme¨.
Let collection owners change member permissions. At present, it is not possible to edit permissions once a collection has been shared with someone.
I like to display the names on my bookmark lists. Right now it is SOOOO many steps to edit the "Name" field so it shows up properly (instead of the full URL). Current steps I take:
To have the ability for change the name of each space even they have bookmarks ans collections inside
As a user, I'd like to be able to embed collections on my web page or WordPress post.
Add the ability to show a small number of letters underneath each icon as a hint as to what the link is. Eg. CAL, BUDGET, LOFI, ARTWORK, etc.
The browser extension is a little flat as a tool, and I think that the one provided by Raindrop is awesome. I have included a link to the look of that here when you click on it. (...)
As a user, I'd like to be able to hide/show collections based on the following filter: 1. Show all 2. Recently added
I use the "All collections" space to visualize all my collections. Sometimes, I use it as my active space and refer to it on occasion.
Handy to sort things (automatic or manual).
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